Got a question? Check out our FAQ for quick answers about our brand, products, and policies.

If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact us!

Order & Shipping


Yes. Our online boutique delivers worldwide. Simply check the list of available countries in the "Country" menu during checkout.


We send all our parcels from our European warehouse. Once your order has been packed and sent, you’ll receive the tracking information by email.

Tracking is available once the package arrives at the carrier sorting facility, it can therefore take up to 2-3 working days before you can track your parcel.

What is your return policy?

We offer a 7-day return policy for unworn and unwashed items.

For more details, please visit our returns page.

How do I return my order?

Email your return request to customerservice@haakeestudio.com, including your order number or receipt number.

Read more on about our return and refund policy.

What happens if I don't collect my package?

If a package is not collected from the delivery point, Haakee Studio AB will charge the shipping fee per item for handling the return process.

About Haakee Studio

How do I stay updated on new releases?

To stay in the loop about new products, limited releases, and collaborations, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media. We regularly share updates and sneak peeks of upcoming designs, so you won’t miss out on the latest from Haakee Studio.

Are you open for collaboration?

Always open, always curious.
Send an email and get in touch with us!

Is the garments available for wholesale?

Yes. Please contact info@haakeestudio.com if you are a retailer that would like to stock Haakee in your store.


At Haakee Studio, we’re currently focused on creating limited-edition designs and special collaborations, rather than offering large-scale customization.

However, we are open to unique requests and would love to explore personalized projects on a case-by-case basis.

If you have an idea or inquiry regarding customization, please feel free to reach out to us via email.

How do I care for my Haakee Studio pieces?

To ensure your Haakee Studio products maintain their longevity, we recommend following the care instructions specific to each item. Generally, we advise washing garments at low temperatures, air drying and avoiding chemicals.

What's your take on sustainability?

At Haakee, sustainability is woven into the fabric (pun intended) of our ethos, but we don’t claim to be perfect.

Our approach focuses on small-scale premium production in Europe, using organic cotton and the best sourced material to our disposal.

We produce in limited editions to avoid excess.

We operate without huge stock, prioritizing thoughtful distribution.

Each piece is crafted with high quality in mind, designed to endure and evolve as a future classic rather than a fleeting trend.

We believe that every step towards sustainability counts, and while we’re humble about our journey, we’re committed to making a positive impact, however small it may be.

How do you pronounce 'Haakee'?

It’s simple: Haa-kee.

A long "a" followed by a long "e"—bold, clear, and easy to remember. Say it with confidence, and it’ll stick with you.

Read more about it here.